Friday, January 05, 2007

So, it has been a few days, but even if I cannot keep up daily, I will def. do this weekly, though prob. a couple times a week will be more so, but I am here.

I have been busy, doing not a lot.

The day of new years, Cait, Nikita, beth, and I all went over to beth's after going to see night at the museum. It was a pretty good movie, kind of a feel good kid's movie, but whatever I guess, I deal better when limbs are being torn off of humans ! Haha, then we went back and watched scanner darkly, talk about a fucking crack trip. I cannot believe this movie, it didn't make sense and the only redeeming quality is that it was vectorized.

After that we started drinking (black cherry Smirnoff all the way - and homemade midori sours YAY) and playing board games until late, i started getting sick - like allergy/flu type sick a little after midnight. It was a mix of Beth's cat and what I think was New Years and a lot of going outside without a lot of clothes on. We then watched She's the Man, that was good. I slept on the floor and had a miserable miserable night! It was horrible, esp. after Caitlin kept stealing my pillows and beth and I wrestled.

In the morning, beth and Cait went to breakfast but I was way too tired and sick, so i slept, then they went to Bangor, and I slept on the couch for a bit, then Nikita and I just talked for a while. They got back and I left with Nikita, we just sat and talked for a while, then her mom come and got her.

Then about at 3 - Bex and I watched the entire first season (22 1/2 hour esp.) of How I Met Your Mother. We are on Season two right now, it is a great show, and we got to bed around 5ish again like always.


FFwd to the next day. Beth and I played some FFXII and rented Lady in the Water as well as Darkroom, both were good movies (we had a free rental from renting a lot of movies as well as one from telling them how much we hated scanner darkly haha).

Then that night Beth left, and Bex and I .... did something very creepy. We watched Saddam Hussein's hanging. It was quite creepy, then Bex wanted to watch it with all the lights we did. haha. i wouldn't say don't watch it, but i also wouldn't say watch it.

YESTERDAY! Pretty lax again, rented a bunch of movies after going to Bangor to look for my books for classes, which I will end up buying online. We rented Altered, Naked Mile, The Feeding, and Little Miss Sunshine. I also bought The GingerDead Man, Ginger Snaps 1, The Descent. All great movies.

Then beth left and Bex and I watched a little more how i met your mother! YAY.

Today will be more movies, Beth may go home, but beforehand we may see Freedom Writers or Happily Never After. Bex is going home too, so I may hang out with Lisa and Zach tonight, i haven't seen them in a while. Beth is coming over with Quiznos in a few minutes and we are going to watch Naked Mile.

I am going to write down all the movies and what day I saw them this year to just log what movies I have watched, I have already averaged 2 movies a day, and if i see 4 today that will be 3 per day. I watch a lot of movies, but it's okay. I am going to make a list of all the movies I want to see, and hopefully get to see them all. I may do all of that in another blog , right now its just on a piece of paper.

I have an optometrist appt. the day we get back to classes, which is fine, i have to get my prescription renewed for my contacts. I have my SOC of lesbian and gay families that night. Which should be a really good class.

I got my vector graphics class e-mail today, which is going to also be a great class, we needed skype though which is weird, but oh well, if i can make pretty vector art I will be happy. I am going to drop French probably, and I hate COS120, but whatever.

Other than that, things are going well, getting over this being sick, lots of flem, and just watching movies and gearing up for classes. I have to do financial aid sometime soon, I may do it later tonight. Well, until next time !

Within Temptation - Somewhere

Lost in the darkness, hoping for a sign
Instead there is only silence,
Can't you hear my screams...?
Never stop hoping,
Need to know where you are
But one thing is for sure,
You're always in my heart.

I'll find you somewhere
I'll keep on trying until my dying day
I just need to know whatever has happened,
The Truth will free my soul.

Lost in the darkness, try to find your way home
I want to embrace you and never let you go
Almost hope you're in heaven so no one can hurt your soul...
Living in agony 'cause I just do not know
Where you are

I'll find you somewhere
I'll keep on trying until my dying day
I just need to know whatever has happened,
The Truth will free my soul.

Wherever you are, I won't stop searching.
Whatever it takes, I need to know.

I'll find you somewhere
I'll keep on trying until my dying day
I just need to know whatever has happened,
The Truth will free my soul.

Matthew Leavitt on 9:47 AM

Monday, January 01, 2007
Starting Today...

Look at this, it is a new year. Is that not the most amazing thing that can happen , next to a birthday maybe.

New Years Eve! The last of 2006. I had a new years eve party, a bunch of friends showed up. Caitlin, Beth, Nikita, Toby, Michelle, Bex, Maureen, and Adrianne. People came at different times but we mostly played board games all night, which was great. We ate lots of food and laughed, except when we turned out all the lights because I was going to scare michelle when she came through the back door - had a pillow fight and bent Maureen's glasses and made her nose ring bleed. Accident! I felt bad, but she was alright mostly. We played Worst Case Scenario until Nikita got there, then we talked a while and played Cranium.

CRANIUM HELPED ME MAKE THIS BLOG - one of the questions there was - spelling, and caitlin had to spell gamut - she said gammit (we had thought of gametes first), but then later I looked it up and it means the entire range of color possible in a specific output. Also it can mean certain measurements of music, so I figured, something colorful and exciting was Life's Gamut, which is all ranges of color, possibilities, etc.

Everyone except Nikita and Adrianne left around 11:30 (I KNOW RIGHT? BEFORE THE BALL DROPPED haha) Then we all sat around listening to the Emo music that was playing on whatever station we were watching. They were recapping big events of 2006, mostly talking political in the last few minutes.

BOOM - <-- that was Adrianne jumping off a chair at midnight, we went back to my room after Adrianne left and cleaned up. Bex stayed and talked for a while then went to bed, but not before a fun conversation about queefing (because Nikita was making noises with the clay that sounded like queefing) so we talked about that for about a half hour, it was hilarious. Bex went to bed and Nikita and I stayed up until 5am talking about kids, politics, board games, alcohol, family, who the hell knows, we were delirious by 5. I got up about an hour or so ago, my throat is sore from hollering during trivial pursuit last night, but oh well. Tonight, Cait, Nikita, and I are gonna be slumbering over at Beth's, having some drinks since we did not drink here last night, and just play games / watch movies / etc. We got a bunch of Smirnoff and some Midori melon liqueur - which is my absolute favorite ! YAY. So, It is 1:38, Nikita should be waking up soon, then we may all go to a movie or do something fun until 6ish when we go over to Beth's and have a fun night. Who knows what crazy stuff will happen! IT IS A WHOLE NEW YEAR! haha.

Starting Today - Natalie Imbruglia
Starting today
I'm not gonna waste another moment
Even if I had had the chance before
I would have blown it

But you took me by surprise
And you caught me just in time

You give me reason not to walk away
I'll stop believing that the world's gone crazy
And if it is you'll save me

Starting Today
I'm not gonna worry about tomorrow
I'll wash away
All this fear that's left me feeling hollow

I would really love for this to be the song of the New Year. Minus the fact it is a good song, when I listen to it, I always look up at the sky and think "today is change", and sometimes it may be, but usually it is not as change is an over time thing usually, but I really want to try to live more, and do the things I didn't get to do last year, and it seems corny to care about that during the new year, but the world is a crazy friggin' place with a lot going wrong, so we should make the best of it and not take things from granted.

Sub-Note = As per this blog, and I do not do well keeping up blogs so I will probably not do it every single day, I hope to blog as much as possible about my memories of the things that are going on because I remember reading some older blogs and laughing and thinking how much i'd grown, and I think that is a really great experience, so I want to blog a lot in 2007, because it is just awesome.

Matthew Leavitt on 10:26 AM